my subject in this artwork is killua and sakura as lovers. a facebook group where i belong, my character name is haruno sakura/hatake kakashi/namikaze minato. My partner is suppossed to be sasuke and i personally like sasuke for sakura but i do not like the sasuke of our group...aside from the fact that he's a child..hmmm..whatever...i just don't feel like playing as his lover so i have decided that i'll just get another character from my favorite anime who happened to be killua zoldick of hunterxhunter. Well, killua is like my childhood crush..haha so if i have to choose between sasuke and killua, i'll definitely choose killua. I really really like his character and of course his attitude. He's a loyal friend...very.
let's start. first i looked for killua's picture and so as sakura's. It's easy but my internet connection is kinda slow so it took me some time.

Killua Zoldick
i already cropped this pic to save some of my precious time

this is for my sakura pic...i have to erase sasuke
Using Adobe Photoshop Cs3 extended, i was able to erase sasuke and the background color. On killua, i have to erase the bird on his hand and then i drag sakura's pic after several resizing of her image on killua's window.

hmmmm...then i have to make the background color disappear but instead of erasing the background, i just used the quick selection tool and then drag it to another window.

this is the background that i'd be using. I did this after combining killua and sakura's's not good i know but it's better than nothing..hihi

and so they are together now but this time i have to work with the huge space left so after saving this, i opened my microsoft office powerpoint and type their names.

and then that's it. i'm done took me more than an hour..i think..haha..i'm so slow...
Now i have a sakura plus killua picture, Hooray! this is a dream come true! haha