Well, I just watched Baby and Me starring my ultimate korean crush, Jang Geun Suk as Han Joon Su and a cute little creature...a baby...Moon Mason as Wooh Ram. The story was all about an 18 year old boy who suddenly became a fathEr. Someone put baby wooh ram to his food kart while he was in the grocery. Before, he was a trouble maker. He even smoked inside their campus but when he became a father to wooh ram all by himself...i mean no one helped him aside from a girl who had a crush on him...he learned how to be independent and be responsible for his own life for the baby's sake. He encountered a lot of sufferings that were commonly experienced by a young father who knew nothing about being a dad. He attempted to abandon the baby but the calling was to strong for him to resist so he failed.He was suspended in his school for bringing the baby with him. He worked as a waiter in a bar, he distributed brochures along the night street of Seoul and steal a drank man's wallet. Wow..quite disastrous..isn't it? but he was able to overcome all of this and eventually became a FATHER to Wooh ram.
Hmm...I realized that while being a mom is hard, being a father is a little chaotic. When a mom is crying because her baby is sick, the father should find a way to help his baby. When a mom is giving birth to her child, the father should stand nervously and helplessly wait at the corner. When the lives of the baby and the mother are in the brink of death, the decision of who must stay lies in the hand of the father. When a mother cannot give money to her child, the father should find a job to support financially the family.
A mother who's in pain can cry in public and it's not wrong.
A mother who lost her child can mock the father and it's not forbidden.
but a father...he can't
..not because it is forbidden but because,,,the public sees a father as a strong being who shall not cry whenever problems get on his way. Whether it is because of his pride or not, he shall not cry...
Jang Geun Suk, in this movie, is not an ideal father at first but if i am to choose a father for my...maybe...future offspring...I will gladly choose a father who's so imperfect like the role he played but so loving as he is...
..."Young or old. Fathers have always been the same"
thanks to this movie!
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